What about my kids?
We have a nursery for 0-36 months. There is also a toddlers room where you can stay with your child during the service. At 9:30 we offer Sunday School for ages 3 - grade 5. Classes are divided by age and sometimes gender depending on size. During our Worship Service we invite your children to join us as we worship together as a family. We also offer childcare for children ages 1-6 during the message.
Where do I park?
You'll find handicap parking stalls located close to each entrance. We have also designated Senior's parking in the lot by the main entrance. All other parking is around the East and North side of the building.
What do i wear?
You will find a range of dress styles from jeans and t-shirts to shorts and flip-flops, to the occasional sports jacket and dress. Come dressed however you are comfortable and you will fit right in.
What does NCF Believe?
That we remain clear in our call to biblical faithfulness, recognizing that the Word of God is our final authority in all aspects of ministry, congregational life, programming, and outreach.