At Niverville Community Fellowship our Sunday School program offers a variety of classes designed to help people, young and old, to understand and live out their Christian faith. 

Children and Youth

Our classes for children and youth are divided by age group!

  • Preschool

    Classroom Style Teaching

    Ages 3 -5

    Teacher: Laura Hill and Hayley Mywaart

    Basement, Room 406

  • Grade School

    Classroom Style Teaching

    Grade 1-3 Boys and Girls

    Teacher:  Joelle Thiessen

    Basement, Room 407

    Grade 4-5 Boys

    Teacher: Ryder Lewis

    Upstairs Room 202

    Grade 4-5 Girls

    Teacher:  Paige Seib and Lisa Macloskie

    Upstairs Room 205

  • Youth

    Classroom Style Teaching

    Jr Youth Grades 6-8  |  Upstairs Classroom 200 |  Teacher: Matt Antonio and Lois Neufeld

    Sr Youth Grades 9-12  |  Downstairs Youth Room 403 |  Teacher: Rob Redekop

adult Electives

NCF also offers adult elective classes on a rotating schedule. Our adult classes run anywhere from 6-13 weeks. You’ll find classes related to family issues, Bible study, mental health, missions, and more; all designed to help you grow in your faith so you can impact your world.  

  • being a caring church

    9:30 in the Fellowship Hall

  • Ladies Class

    For ANY lady to join, but also in a space where those with small children can play.

    Short devotional and discussion with prayer.